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      |-|            The Imagica Ezine - Issue no 9           | |
      | |               (IMAGIZINE 01-02-2003)                |-|
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A new issue of Imagizine - Imagica's own virtual magazine. This is an interactive
Imagizine, so your input is very much appreciated. To put something in the Imagizine
e-mail the Editor at Lunah at email.jimagica.net, and it will be put into the following issue.

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                        * Introduction
                        * News
                        * Free Comment Arena
                        * Building
                        * Houses
                        * Statuses
                        * Quests
                        * Clan Membership

                        * Valentine's Day Dating Game
                        * Winter Wonderland (RP Week)
                        * General Information
                        * Imagica Information

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Heading out from a period with a lot of changes as you might recall. I'm
pleased to say that in my own opinion Imagica is running pretty well.
Imagica should be a fun place to relax, chat, socialize and fight side by
side with friends. 24 hours a day you can reach us at email.jimagica.net port 4000.
Log in during a view period at school, log in after you cleaned the house,
or returned from work. It is all possible.

MUDs like Imagica have inspired people to play and enjoy "mudding" for a
long time now. Why not share this with friends? Everybody is welcome to play
Imagica, assuming they will follow the basics to keep it fun for all :) So
if you want to help out in Imagica start introducing friends! :) Add the
info to your personal email signature, create a homepage where you mention
that you enjoy playing Imagica. Get the word out!

For those who are curious about some historical facts, the following is
perhaps nice to know. Based on unofficial info Imagica has been online since
March 1994, meaning that the MUD will celebrate according to those
statistics in March 2004 its 10 years anniversary. I've spoken to Aragorn if
he could verify me a more accurate date when the MUD became active. Unless
this will turn out to be sooner than the given date I was thinking to
organize an offline Imagica meeting event in the Netherlands.

The idea for this event would be to get the old and ancient together with
the new to grab a drink and celebrate 10 years Imagica. We did meetings in
the past and we enjoyed those, bringing people closer together and having a
great time. My thought for this meeting to celebrate 10 years of Imagica is
a bit bigger than the meetings we had in the past. But depending on the
responses I know it will be fun, and I'm looking forward to set this up.

For now I would like to wish you all a happy MUD-time, and fun reading!

- submitted by Mender
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Not much has happened in Imagica since our last issue, as most efforts
in the Immortal team is focused on finishing a new code update and a
world update to come soon after the code.

- Changes in the Immortal Realms
- Campaign starting to unfold

Changes in the Immortal Realms
A few changes has taken place in the Immortal Realms since our last issue,
please find a list of them below:
- Nix has retired as Questmaster and Head REI.
- Aphrael is new Questmaster, raised to Builder level.
- Rhyaehar advanced to the promotor level.

Campaign starting to unfold
Since our last issue the new Campaign has started to grow and some events
have happened. The first mystery of where King Welmar's son had disappeared
to has been solved, but other mysteries have appeared in its place.

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ADD Site
ADD homepage: I've put up a section meant for stories.
The stories would have to fit with the ADD theme, but you don't
have to be in the clan to submit stories.
It's explained in full on the page in the Chronicles section at

-submitted by Fido

The Story of Shadowblade

Shadowblade is still young in Dark Elf terms, being a mere 194 years old.
His reputation, however, is already legendary. Stories of his grisly
adventures are used as the basis of ballads sung by Dark Elf minstrels,
or as bedtime stories for Dark Elf children. Possibly his most famous
exploit was the murder of the entire crew of a High Elf ship, one by one
over a period of several days. Only the horribly mutilated captain was
left alive, so that he could tell of the days and nights of mounting horror
on the ship as the crew desperately attempted to corner Shadowblade, but
without success.

Almost imperceptibly, the shadow slipped over the outer wall of the Dark
Lord's residence and dropped silently to the ground on the other side.
Shadowblade was frequently called upon by his mistress to dispose of her
political opponents or those who had wronged her in some way, however slight
their indiscretion.

As Shadowblade sank his dagger up to its hilt into the back of the guard at
the entrance to the tower he did not even think about his action. It was
second nature to him and he did it automatically. The guards further into
the tower likewise gave him no trouble, only becoming vaguely aware of his
presence as he killed them.

He had no opinions about the murders he committed for his mistress, only that
he had been ordered to carry them out and that he enjoyed nothing more. He
liked the way a body went limp as a poisoned dagger was slipped between its
ribs. He took pleasure in the contorted expressions of indescribable pain his
victims exhibited under the effects of the agonising Black Venom.

Quite simply, he loved his work. And he was loyal. The only thing he valued
more than being able to kill was loyalty, a quality indoctrinated into him
from childhood during his harsh upbringing in the Temple of Khaine, ever since
he was stolen from his parents' home on Death Night many, many years ago.
In the Temple he had learnt the deadly martial arts of the assassins, studied
the power of poisons, learnt how to move without making a sound and slip through
shadows unseen, and that there was none more important than his lady,
Queen Tigerlady.

- submitted by Shadowblade

*Devil's Steed by Nisse*
A noble steed of the north,
hooves of lightning and speed.
In rapid pace galopping forth,
and teasing human greed.

His name was Gwyrfin,
and his name was known.
For he was the picture of sin,
and from the pits down deep he was flown.

Drink and laugh the humans did,
telling tales of this.
But they all got caught in the devils grid,
as they did all the point miss.

Breaking down the walls of mind,
the horse was strong as few.
Enabling the humans to clear sight find,
and their knowledge grew.

Violence breeds not only more,
but also a release of thought.
Knowing more than one did before,
and even more than one ought.

* Seafarers Dream by Nisse*
Winding paths and stormy nights,
daemons and bats on nightly flights.
Teasing ones mind with tales of gold,
to live forever and never grow old.

A seafarer in arms and hat,
faring the blue with dreams of that.
His life soaked in sorrow,
to perish and nay see the morrow.

Mist enveloping his presence,
and only evil in its essence.
The skies became clear,
and an island was near.

Sailing towards its shores,
with him at helm and men at oares.
Closer to the dunes of sand,
longing to step on land.

Reaching ground at last,
fleeing from his past.
The island was paradise,
but inferno in disguise.

Atop a mountain it dwelled,
and in his mind it yelled.
A luring tune through him flew,
and the echo of the song grew.

Climbing to the top,
and could nay stop.
He soon reached his dream,
and darkness struck with beam.

His soul an aching pain,
as he flew down that lane.
Immortality was his,
and all was a bliss.

But litte did he know,
he became his own foe.
Friends and foe meeting early grave,
while he lived on as immortalitys slave.

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The world update is drawing nearer and nearer. Lunah is currently making the
last changes and checking the zones to be transferred. Imagica is expanding
with several new zones, amongst them two new hometowns with connected newbie

If you are interested in trying your hand at building for Imagica yourself,
please contact Lunah with your idea. Please list things such as the type of
zone (city, forest, mountains..) and what level it will be (for low level
players, medium/high etc.). A map is also quite a good idea, both to make
it easier on yourself when you start building and to give Lunah a good
idea of what you have in mind.

If you're a new builder, it is advised that you not start a zone with more
than 100 rooms.

- submitted by Lunah

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Soon after the world update has happened it is finally time for the
house update which will bring the new house zone Lindorm Grove.

There will be information on the boards in advance of the actual update
to let everyone know what to expect.

Regarding houses in general, it might be worth noting that the payment
of your rent has become a little more strict (if you have not already

If you haven't paid your rent for over 2 months you will receive a note
warning you that if it isn't paid within another month it will be de-

Should you get this kind of note 3 times, you will be required to pay a
fee to show that you actually do care about your house.

LadyXera is the person who checks your rents and will remind you when
they are late. If you have any questions regarding staying away for
a longer time (if you pre-warn, something can usually be worked out,
and your house won't have to be de-activated) or anything else that
has to do with rent (or stockpiling) you can contact her.

Lunah is still the one building the houses, while LadyXera is the more
administrative person taking care of rent and stockpiling.

- submitted by Lunah & LadyXera
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Some if not many haven't actually seen me around and wouldn't have known
of my existence if it weren't for a mention of some Mandos guy being
Status Master.

What? Status Master!? Is that edible?

I'd appreciate if you didn't try really :) So I'll explain what I've been
up to. A Status Master is responsible for.. Status! Remember those tags
behind heroes' names with Paige etc up to Emperor? Those are status levels.

My job is to try and give these status levels actual "life" and contents so
they once more become more than just a tag. So far that meant a whole lot
of offline work figuring out how to do that and while it definitely needs
more work still an actual plan has formed that just might work.

You got that right, heroes might even find a renewed sense of purpose being
reigning Kings or Emperors, ensuring the well-being of the people under
their care as Mayors or Nobles!

*in that annoying TV ad voice* Status! Coming to your local MUD soon.

- submitted by Mandos
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Upcoming quests

As I am getting used to this job, it is getting easier to run quests. I'm
expecting a quest to be run every two or three weeks. Those quests will be
announced on time at the quest board in Imagica, and also in the Message of
the Day, which you see when you enter Imagica. Expect most announced quests
to be run at 8 or 9 pm CET (2 or 3 pm EST), because we Questmasters are all
European, and then most players are around. If anyone would want a quest to
be run at other times/dates, feel free to contact me through Mudmail. I
would be glad to please other people as well, but after a bad experience I
will not do so without a prior request. Quests will only be run if enough
people are attending of course.

Getting back lost questitems

Some time ago there has been a message on questboard explaining the policy
about getting back lost questitems, those lost in deathtraps or because you
did not have money to pay for the rent.
Those items will be returned once, when requested. Such a request should go
to one of the Questmasters, preferably Aphrael. If you lose such an item
again, you will have to complete a small quest to get it back. This can be
done endlessly, but of course the quests to get them back will be more
difficult with each replacement.
Some of the older items have not registered who is the rightful owner of
them. If you are unsure whether your item has your name registered, and you
would like that to be so in case of a possible reimbursement, contact
Aphrael. Items for which it is unable to check who is the rightful owner
will NOT be reimbursed!

Clans and their quests

Clans have two types of quests. Quests which members will have to do to
gain clanlevels, and one shot quests that are specifically for clans. The
quests for clanlevels should be made within the clan, but if anyone would
need help with ideas, or how to build them into clanzones, I am always
willing to help. The quests should be made in such a way that no immortal
needs to be there to allow it to run.

One shot clanquests can be requested from Aphrael. The initiative for such
quests will have to come from the clan. Once requested, the quest will be
developed together with the Clan Mistress (Crisstilynn) and Aphrael.
These quests will have to be suitable for the clan of course.

- submitted by Aphrael
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With all the changes happening in Imagica lately, one of the most
exciting changes for me is my promotion to Clan Lady. It has given
me a sense of purpose like no other in our small community. It gives
me the opportunity to help bring back the spark for clans that must
have been there when the concept first came to be.

A clan is a family. It is a group of people who all live in the same
area and are united by a common purpose. They fight together, they play
together, and they marry together. They are willing to die together if
necessary. They have commonality of values. If you are a clan leader
or representative and you do NOT have a clan zone, it would be a good
idea to build one. This way, your members will have an opportunity to
live together.

It is a dream of mine to one day see most Imagicans belonging to a clan.

Does this mean that I want to see a lot of people with BoA or DiE or ADD
behind their names? No. This means that I would like to see a lot of
people living out the values of their clan. The first thing I tell
people when they ask me how to get into a clan is this: Look into
every clan. Read about them. Observe them. Decide how each clan fits
into your own story.

If you are a person who likes to help people and to show them your
hometown and give them good advice to start their lives with, then you
want to find a clan that also adheres to those values. If you are an
evil person who likes the dark and has no value for life, there is another
clan for you.
There are all sorts of clans with all sorts of values. Find one that
fits your idea of who you are.

Being a clan member gives us some direction to our lives. If I am a
member of the Defenders of Justice and I see a person who has been
treated unfairly, it is my duty to defend them. Perhaps they have been
judged poorly by the roman judge, or perhaps King Welmar has refused to
listen to their plea. This would be a good time to take that person
back to the one who wronged them and to plead their case for them.
(BTW, you never know when an REI is watching . this could also be an
opportunity for some kudos from an imm.) And what about the Army of Death
and Destruction? Are vampires afraid of religious icons? Do they like
to be in holy places? Does sunlight really kill them? (There is one vamp
who would tell you all about sunlight, if only she could speak.) These are
things to remember when interacting with your friends and neighbors.

Every clan needs a leader, and lately we have seen some leaders going by
the wayside. They have left our lands to go travel in other worlds and
their membership dwindles in their absence. For those clans with no leader,
every member must work to guide their brothers and sisters to greatness.
Leadership is not a position, but rather it is a strong influence to
Now is the time to be that strong influence and make things happen.
Call meetings of your brothers and sisters. Direct them. Guide them.
Like any family, every member has a voice.

We also have some new clans banding together. The Council of Scales are
our newest clan, but more are being considered at this very moment. This is
a time of change and growth, and I know that as we work together to make
our clans what they can be, we will all benefit.

- submitted by Crisstilynn
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This is an event for all the single ladies and gentlemen of Imagica,
and an opportunity to work on your roleplaying skills while having fun
and meeting other people.

The Dating Game consists of three parts:
1. Application for the Ladies (1st Feb-10th Feb)
2. Dating Game (14th Feb)
3. Dates (during RP Week)

Application for the Ladies

Between the 1st February, with the last application date of 10th February the
interested ladies should send a mudmail to Nix (who has kindly offered to
review the applications) stating their character name and giving the reason
(strictly roleplay) why they would be a good contestant for the game. Maybe
because the lady in question wants to meet new people.. or whatever reason
you might have.
By 12th February Nix will have chosen 3 ladies who will be the candidates
for the Dating Game, and their names will be published on the boards.

Dating Game

The dating game will take place on Valentine's Day - 14th February (exact time
will appear on the Quest board). The ladies will then gather in Teldar, and they
will all be carrying a bunch of notes with a quest on them. (1 quest per lady.)
The gentlemen interested will take a note from the lady that has sparked their
interest and be on their way to solve the quest.
The first gentleman to solve a lady's quest will win her hand for a date. By
the end of the game we should have 3 happy couples ready to date!

The Dates

The dates will be set up during the RP Week in agreement with the couple and
the Questmasters regarding what time and date, to make sure they can all make
During the date the couple will get to have dinner at a secluded place, and have
a good opportunity to roleplay.
The winners will be announced on the End Feast of the RP Week, and the prizes
will be RP points, and a secret item.

submitted by: The Quest Team
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It is time to polish your role-playing skills and take out your best
clothes, because it is time for another Role-playing week in Imagica.

In celebration of the season, we have chosen a theme for the week, which
will be 'Winter Wonderland'.

Below you can see a schedule for the week in question, there will also
be things to do throughout the entire week. The RP Week will run from
Monday 17th February until Sunday 23rd February.

RP Week Schedule

Monday: Emote Snowball Fight (Event/Contest) 10.00pm(CET) / 4.00pm(EST)
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: The Ice Prince (Quest)            9.30pm(CET) / 3.30pm(EST)
Thursday: Tournament (Event/Contest)         All Evening (CET evening)
Friday: Chasing Snowflakes (Quest)           8.00pm(CET) / 2.00pm(EST)
Saturday: John the Lumberjack (Quest)        9.00pm(CET) / 3.00pm(EST)
Sunday: End Feast (Event)                    8.00pm(CET) / 2.00pm(EST)

Other Activities

Market Place
Hillside sled ride
Snowball fights in the Arena
Purchasing of Raffle tickets
RP Voting



For the Quests on the week schedule you will receive all of the
information regarding the quest on the time and date of the Quest
itself. For every quest there will be some kind of reward.

Emote Snowball Fight

We will all gather somewhere in Imagica and have a snowball fight
using emotes. This will be a fun time to try and use your imagination.
The ones with the best emotes will receive rewards.


This is a possibility for those interested in measuring their strength
against others. Starting at 19.00 the fights will take place the whole
evening, depending on the amount of applicants.
If you want to join, you must send an application to Aphrael before
the 17th February. In the application you must give your character name,
class, race and level.
The tournament is divided into groups, how this will be decided will be
announced closer to the event.

Market Place & Hillside sled ride

Close to Teldar a small market place will be opened during the week where
some merchants will gather to sell various items. By the market place will
also be a hill where you can get a sled and take a ride down.

Snowball fights in the Arena

For fun there will be a pile of snowballs lying outside the Mortal Combat
Arena. You may pick up some and challenge someone to a snowball fight
in the arena. (You are not allowed to fight outside of the arena.) We
would suggest not to wear full armour equipment, since that will make
the fight last longer. Please put the snowballs back after use so that
others can use them too. (You may not keep them and rent or store them
in your house.)

Purchasing of Raffle tickets

Throughout the entire week, until right before the End Feast you can
contact Shayla to get a raffle ticket. The price is 5.00 Gd and will
be paid to Shayla. You will receive your ticket as a mudmail, and it's
important that you keep hold of it until the End Feast, since we will
then collect all tickets and draw the winners. You may only purchase
one ticket per character.

RP Voting

To ensure that the correct person wins the RP Week award, we want you
all to vote as much as you can on those you see RP throughout the week.
Don't think that 'If I don't vote for others, and they vote for me, then
maybe I will win' because if everyone thinks like that, no one will get
any votes at all.
To ensure that this is not happening, if you have not voted at least
once, you cannot win the RP Week yourself.
You may vote as many times as you want on as many people as you want.
You can also vote several times on the same characters, should you see
them roleplay at several occasions.
You cannot vote for a character that belongs to yourself.
To vote, send a mudmail to Lunah, who will keep count, giving your own
name, as well as the name of the characther you are voting on, and the
reason WHY you vote on them.
The character with the most votes will win the RP Week award.

End Feast

To end the week we will of course have a large feast as usual. There will
be food, dancing and announcements of winners. At one point we will also
have a vote to decide the Lord & Lady of the Evening.
We ask that you not bring any charmed mobs or elementals to the feast.
Please also turn off your triggers. Please also refrain from bringing
weapons and such, and preferably don't dress in armour (with exception
if you have a formal one). The Lord & Lady of the Evening should be
chosen by their conduct at the feast as well as their creativity in
their dress. (It should suit their character as well as be appropriate
for a feast.)
Below is the preliminary schedule for the feast activities:
- Welcome
- Dinner
- Drawing of Raffle winners
- Dance
- Vote for Lord & Lady of the Evening
- Announcement of Dating Game winners
- RP Week winner annoucement

-submitted by The Quest Team
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To subscribe yourself to the Mortals mailing list where you can receive the
Imagizine automatically whenever it comes out, you can visit the link below:


For all people that have missed/lost old issues, and want or read them. All
the old issues as well as the current issue can be found on the Imagica
homepage at www.jimagica.net.

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Imagica Homepage           - https://jimagica.net
Mud Address                - jimagica.net (port:4000)


E-Mail Aragorn  (Producer) - Aragorn at email.jimagica.net
E-Mail Hero     (Producer) - Hero at email.jimagica.net
E-Mail Mender   (Producer) - Mender at email.jimagica.net
E-Mail Radagast (Producer) - Radagast at email.jimagica.net
E-Mail Lunah    (Co-Prod)  - Lunah at email.jimagica.net
E-Mail Shayla   (Co-Prod)  - Shayla at email.jimagica.net
E-Mail Atrus    (Gaffer)   - Atrus at email.jimagica.net


Clan Homepages:

WARlock clan (WAR)               http://surf.to/warlocks
Army of Darkness and Death (ADD) http://www.anzwers.org/free/add/index.html
Defenders Of Justice (DOJ)       http://www.myzticdragon.com/doj
Sentinels of Soraya (SoS)        http://www.spellbound.nu/SoS
WolfRiders (WOF)                 http://www.geocities.com/WolfRiders_WOF
Dragons in Exile (DIE)           http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/stormcrow


Clan E-Mail contacts:

WARlock clan (WAR)               - Gimby@hotmail.com
Army of Darkness and Death (ADD) - sneezy_fido@hotmail.com
Sentinels of Soraya (SoS)        - Disa at email.jimagica.net
WolfRiders (WOF)                 - sweetpea_6969@hotmail.com

The following clans are registered :

#    CLAN                               CLAN LEADER      CLAN REPR.       #MEMB
     ----                               -----------      ----------       -----

[ 0] [Scooby Gang                     ] [Mender        ] [Radagast      ] [  6]
[ 1] [The Warlock Clan                ] [Sparhawk      ] [Freya         ] [  6]
[ 2] [Army of Darkness and Death      ] [Catt          ] [Fido          ] [ 14]
[ 4] [Defenders Of Justice            ] [Clydesdale    ] [Corbyn        ] [ 12]
[ 5] [Sentinels Of Soraya             ] [Desideira     ] [Disa          ] [ 20]
[ 6] [Wolf Riders                     ] [Shimmer       ] [Ploister      ] [ 13]
[ 7] [Brotherhood Of Avatars          ] [Perikles      ] [Tazok         ] [ 11]
[ 8] [Dragons in Exile                ] [Mithrandir    ] [Milenne       ] [  9]

[ 3] [Council of Scales               ] [Alphadragon   ] [Jusan         ] [  5]

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