magica MUD Policy
For the Warning and Clan policy see below
Welcome to ImagicaMud !!!!
We hope ImagiceMud will be exiting and fun to play, we are putting our best
efforts in developing a new and exiting MUD Game. If you have any questions
please feel free to MUD-Mail or email one of the PRODUCERS (Aragorn or Hero)
so we can help you with any questions you have. You can also mail global
issues to impteam at email.jimagica.net which will be sent to all gods of level 97
(Gaffer) and up.
The Policies of ImagicaMud:
Playing a MUD is easy, well at least it looks that way. To keep everyone
happy and to avoid serious problems there are a few rules to obey.
Balancing a Mud Game is the most difficult and time consuming thing to do.
To keep a stable GAME-BALANCE many thing must be taken in consideration so
everyone has a fair chance to gain experience and explore new worlds.
When the GAME-BALANCE is lost, some characters have advantages over
(perhaps) older and more experienced characters. This must be avoided in
every way.
There are a few thing which can seriously affect the GAME-BALANCE. These
things are :
1. Multiplaying
2. Having characters with far to heavy equipment
3. Taking advantage of bugs
4. Playerkilling
5. Playerthieving
6. Swapping equipment
Communication rules apply to :
7. Use of public channels
We will try to describe the points mentioned above, and to give out policy
for each point.
1. Multiplaying:
Multiplaying is best described as having more than one character per player
(or Internet address) logged on at the same time. Having characters who are
linkless are also considered 'logged on'. If you have a 'proxy' service
running at home or work, and you are connecting with more players from
behind that proxy, just MUD or Email to impteam at email.jimagica.net so we know
about it.
What's so heavy about this ?
Well, you can hopefully imagine what it is like when someone, for any reason,
attacks you with 3 characters at the same time. You would be in quite a
Or someone has got a level 40 character, logs on with a new character, and
then starts to collect heavy equipment with the level 40 character for the
new character (See point 2 above).
Our policy for multiplaying:
As the two examples imply, multiplaying seriously affects GAME-BALANCE.
So, multiplaying is forbidden at all times.
The first time multiplaying is noticed, an Immortal will warn you for this,
and will ask you to disconnect the other characters.
If this warning is ignored, a second warning will be given and the other
characters will be disconnected.
If the second warning is ignored, the highest level character will be deleted.
And if there is persistence of ignoring the third warning, your internet
site will be banned.
These look like harsh rules but, as we implied, multiplaying has such an
impact on GAME-BALANCE we hope you will agree with these terms. If not, do
us AND yourselves a favour and go play another Mud.
2. Having characters with far to heavy equipment:
This one is a bit difficult. When you get some piece of heavy equipment by
heavy fighting there is no need to worry. This is considered a fair way of
obtaining any piece of equipment.
But, when you, as a high level player, give heavy equipment to a newbie make
sure you compensate by, for example, selling it for a high gold value, or any
other way.
Having level 5 newbies run around and slashing level 20 Mobs will seriously
There is a really easy way of limiting this. It's called 'level restriction'
on objects. We personally think that is a lame way of solving the problem
since it is far from realistic. This is why we hope you all respect this
item so we don't have to implement something we don't like (in fact we have
functionality which allows for dynamic runtime evaluation scaling based on some
stat e.g. your level - but not all objects make use of this).
Our policy for having characters with far to heavy equipment:
Try to avoid it, junk rather than donate, and consider what consequences it
will have for the Mud, for yourselves and for the person you give it to.
We won't be on your back for every piece of equipment you have, but if some
serious damage to GAME-BALANCE occurs we will ask you how you got the
equipment, and expect you to give a fair answer.
If we suspect foul play we ask you to motivate how you got the specific
pieces of equipment. If you cannot give a satisfactory answer you will
be asked to junk the equipment. If you do not do it we will forcibly
take the equipment and junk it for you.
When it happens multiple times you will get frozen for it.
3. Taking advantage of bugs:
We try to program this Mud as good as possible, but bugs may occur. This is
either in you advantage or disadvantage.
For every bug, please use the BUG command and help us to create a perfect Mud.
Don't go boasting around with 'I FOUND A BUG !! I FOUND A BUG !!!' but
simply pass us the bug and go on playing as you would normally do.
Our policy for taking advantage of bugs:
We hope you can imagine what harm may be inflicted on GAME-BALANCE if a bug
is used to take advantage. Just report.
When your character has gotten a huge advantage due to a bug it will be
reversed without notice.
Multiple abuses and failure to report will result in a freezing.
4. Playerkilling:
Killing other players rather than Mobs is considered as playerkilling.
Playerkilling is not forbidden. We only want to point out that you should
think very hard before killing someone. We don't want this mud to become a
PK (PlayerKilling) Mud. Playerkilling is only implemented for fighting fair
duels, when a measurement of power is needed, or if someone did something
that is not conform the simple rules of communicating.
Our policy for Playerkilling:
Try to avoid it, until you have no other option. Needless killing will
result in 'punishment' as explained in the policy for Multiplaying.
5. Playerthieving:
Stealing equipment or gold from players rather than Mobs is considered
Like playerkilling, playerthieving is not forbidden. But think of the
consequences you can suffer from stealing equipment or gold from someone who
had a hard time collecting it.
Our policy for Playerthieving:
It is OK, but don't whine when you get killed because you stole something
from someone.
6. Swapping equipment:
It is possible and allowed to have more than one character in Imagica. But
swapping equipment between characters created by the same person is strictly
prohibited and is viewed like 'multiplaying'. This goes for burying items
and logging on with another char to dig em up as well. Having someone else
logged on the swap equipment is also illegal (see also point 2).
This is viewed exactly like 'multiplaying' and punishment is the same too.
7. Use of public channels:
Within Imagica there are several public communication channels to use. Think
of gossip, auction, grats, etc. A public channel is a channel which can be
seen by any other player in the mud. The clan channel does not match this
criteria for example, the same goes for 'shout'.
We are an international MUD and therefore it is imperative that English is
spoken on all public channels. Even if you 'think' you are online with a
selective bunch of people it is still not allowed to speak any other language
than English. This because more people can be on than you are able to see.
If you curse once in a while (e.g. you hit a deathtrap aka DT) is not a problem, repetitive
cursing is. Spamming and annoying other players on ANY channel is strictly
When these simple rules are broken you will be disallowed usage of corresponding
channel (MUTE). If you regain a cool head later on you will be unmuted.
If you persist in spamming, annoying and cursing you will be frozen for an
unspecified number of days.
Phiieeeeeuuwwwww ..... That's that over with !!
Please try to 'obey' these simple rules, and remember they are only set up
for your own convenience. Must rules are just the same as in any social
environment. Don't think 'This is a game, everything is authorized!' because
you will be quite disappointed.
If you don't agree with one or more of the mentioned rules, feel free to
contact us (the PRODUCERS) so we can sort out some kind of agreement.
Have fun playing, exploring and making new friends ...........
Killing other players rather than Mobs is considered as playerkilling.
Try to avoid it, until you have no other option. Needless killing will
result in 'punishment'.
1) The first time Playerkilling is noticed, an Immortal will warn you for this,
and an explanation + apology are required.
2) If the first warning is ignored, a second warning will be given. If there
is no good reason for the PK, a warning will be given with a serious talk.
3) If the second warning is ignored, the char will be frozen for an appointed time.
4) When the char is unfrozen and still ignores the policy, his Internet-site will
be banned.
It is OK, but don't whine when you get killed because you stole something
from someone. If a theft is reported or noticed, the following steps will be taken:
1) If a theft is noticed for the first time and there is no good reason for the
theft, the object must be returned. An explanation is required.
2) If the thieving continues without reason, all objects must be returned and
an explanation is required. The char will receive a warning and a serious talk.
3) If the second warning is ignored, the char will be frozen for an appointed time.
4) When the char is unfrozen and still ignores the policy, his Internet-site will
be banned.
Multiplaying is best described as having more than one char per player
(or Internet address) logged on at the same time. Multiplaying seriously
affects GAME-BALANCE. So, multiplaying is forbidden at all times.
1) The first time multiplaying is noticed, an Immortal will warn you for this,
and will ask you to disconnect the other characters.
2) If the first warning is ignored, a second warning will be given and the other
characters will be disconnected.
3) If the second warning is ignored, the highest char will be deleted.
4) And if there is persistence of ignoring the third warning, your Internet-site
will be banned.
Abuse is taking advantage of bugs and harassing other players through words,
actions or otherwise.
1) When abuse is noticed, the char will be give a warning and an explanation is expected.
2) When the first warning is ignored, the char will receive a more harsh warning and a
serious talk.
3) When the second warning is ignored, the char will be frozen for an appointed time.
4) When the char is unfrozen, and the behaviour continues, the player's internet-site will
be banned.
Spamming, swearing/cursing, any language other then English on public
channels etc. are considered language-violation.
1) If language-violation is noticed, the char will receive a warning not to do so.
2) If the first warning is ignored, the char will have to apologise and a serious
talk will be held.
3) If the char ignored the second warning, the char will be muted for an appointed time.
4) When the char is unmuted and the violation still continues, the char will be frozen
for an appointed time.
Disobedience of the immortals is considered a serious violation. When a violation occurs,
it's 4 steps will be followed. Disobedience is:
- Quitting and renting while being spoken to.
- Recalling or typing 'home' when being transferred.
- Back-talking the Immortals.
- Etc.
1) The first time disobedience occurs, the char will be given a serious warning.
2) The second time disobedience occurs, the char will be given a serious talk and will be
watched closely.
3) the third time this happens, the char will be frozen for an appointed time.
Level 5 Newbies aren't allowed to have level 20 equipment, unless it's self(!) fought for.
When you get some piece of heavy equipment by heavy fighting, there is no problem.
1) If too heavy or too much equipment is noticed, the char will be asked to return or
give up the items in question.
2) If the first warning is ignored, the item will be taken by force and a serious talk
will follow.
3) If the second warning is ignored, the char will be given a second warning and
another talk.
4) If the third warning is ignored, the char will be frozen for an appointed time.
Differentiations for Clans
Each new clan must have a new and original idea. We do not want to see several clans with the same background story. From time to time, it may be in the interest of good role-play for two clans which are similar to be in existence. If your clan idea is similar to another, it is necessary to obtain authorization before going ahead with your story.
If you feel your background is similar to another clan, but still want your clan in place, simply mail the story along with the reason you believe an exception should be made to the presiding clan immortal. That immortal will discuss the possibility of an exception with the Imp-team and together they will make a decision.
Each clan must have both a leader and a representative. The leader will direct the clan and move them toward greatness. For this reason, the clan leader must be a mortal of at least level 40. The clan leader is responsible for ensuring that all members follow both clan and Imagica policy. Because of this responsibility, the leader and representative of a new clan may have NO warnings within the past 12 months.
The clan representative reports the progress and concerns of the clan to the presiding clan Immortal. As this is a prestigious position, the clan representative must be a mortal of Hero level.
Each clan may also choose one member, of level 40 or higher, to act as honour member. This person is given the leadership commands, so that they are able to act in the place of the leader, if for any reason the leader should be unable to perform his/her duties. The honour member in no way replaces the leader, and must always act in the same way the leader would act. For this reason, he/she should be chosen very carefully.
Startup Fee
Each clan must pay a starting fee of 20,000 golden dukats before implementation of a new clan.
Demands for Starting a Clan
As previously noted, each clan must have a background story. This story is to be written in such a format that it can be copied and pasted, without editing, to the Imagica website's clan page.
Because each member of a clan must know what behaviour is expected of him/her, each clan must have a written policy, including any penalties for breaking that policy.
As noted previously, the concept of the clan must be original. If your concept is similar, but you still feel it will enhance role-play, an exception may be made with the consent of the Imp-team. (Please see Differentiations for Clans.)
The clan must have a leader, a representative and a minimum of three confirmed members.
Since everyone wants and needs an opportunity to advance, the clan must have levels within its group, with titles attached to each level.
Clan Zone
Each clan is strongly urged to create a clan zone which may house clan members and provide a place to hold meetings. If you choose to create a clan zone, you must first mail a clan zone proposal to the presiding Immortal specifying the type and number of mobs and objects to be loaded there, as well as some idea of what sort of rooms will be in the zone. (In this way, we will not be simply duplicating another zone.)
A zone which is for the exclusive use of clan members may not exceed 100 rooms. If the zone is intended to be open to the public, a section of rooms may be set aside for housing and meetings and may be more than 100 rooms. The maximum number in this case will be set by the Master Builder.
The clan zone must be in an area away from the commonly used areas, and it should be difficult to reach.
When building your clan zone, it must be technically written according to the 'Building.doc' which can be obtained through the Master Builder. (Lunah at email.jimagica.net)
Clan Skills and Items
Each clan will want to be easily recognized by the items and skills which they use. For this reason, a certain number of special skills and items are allowed for the exclusive use of the clan members.
Two clan items will be allowed which will benefit the clan members. These items must be original in appearance and statistics. They must also relate to the clan concept. For each positive statistic on the item, however, an equal negative statistic must be included. This is to preserve balance.
Two additional items may be requested for the sake of role-play. These items may be held or worn, but may have no attributes. The only exception is that one role-play item may be a light.
Two clan skills may be requested. These must be clan-related and original. Strong skills, such as those equal to portal, charm, or conjure are not allowed. Skills may include spells, provided that each member of the clan is able to cast spells.
Clan Flag
The three-letter clan flag is to be chosen at the time of proposal of the clan.
This flag may be requested in a specific colour.
Each clan is encouraged to create a website of their own, for the enlightenment
of both clan members and other players. If your clan wishes to have its own web
site, it must contain a link also to the Imagica website, https://jimagica.net/.
PLEASE NOTE: For the sake of good role-play, all requests are considered on a CHARACTER BY CHARACTER basis and not on a player by player basis.
To propose a new clan, please email a clan proposal form, along with the required information, to Clan at email.jimagica.net, or you can fill out the form online on the website.
Clan Proposal Form (.txt version)
Clan Proposal Form (web based form)
Your extremely serious hosts, (ignore the picture)
Aragorn, Hero, Mender and Venice.